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Sunday, November 16, 2003



Good stuff, Rich and company. Just sketched out the basic .gemspec file for FXRuby and it works as expected. Am I correct to assume that the stuff in a GEM should be restricted to "only the files needed to use this library (or extension)", and thus omits things like documentation files, test cases, etc.?

Anyways. Off to write a FOX GUI browser for these suckers.



We plan to also include code to manage documentation and tests. So, unless things change, I would say that we plan to include everything that should come with a library--documents, tests, and all. I'm thinking we should have either separate meta-data indicating main test suite and/or a standard convention of where the file should be and what it should be called. It would be nice to be able to query which packages have tests and documentation in a respository.

Looking forward to seeing your browser!



Actually, we currently have the spec.files that holds all the library files...we could have a spec.docs which include those files. Those would be skipped during installation, but you could do:

gem --doc fxruby --output .

Or something to extract the documentation from the Gem. I will post this over as a potential enhancement on rubyforge project page.

Chad Fowler

And, as Rich and I discussed by phone earlier:

gem --test fxruby

..could run unit tests.


gem --install-strict fxruby

...could download all dependencies and refuse to install the packages unless their unit tests pass.


I'm sure you've been thinking about this already, but just in case... the project management that you've been planning for FreeRIDE should include support for RubyGems!

Charles Comstock

How is rubygems dealing with installations which are not root, but local to a home directory? I noticed the use of sudo to install and no apparent way to specify install location. If this is just a feature that has been thought of but not yet implemented that's fine, but I just wanted to make sure the idea is being considered.

Richard Kilmer

You can specify where to install Gems. There is a RUBY_GEMS ENV var that lists the directories (in order) to search in, and Gems are installed (by default) into the first directory listed. You can override that on Gem installation as well with a command line argument. You use 'sudo' only if installing into a 'system wide' path (/usr/local/lib/ruby..., etc). If your Ruby is installed locally, it will install within that path.

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