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Monday, March 08, 2004



Can't wait for the next installment.

I'm a python programmer and have yet to find simple instructions like this for python and xcode. Any notes on how to run code from xcode will be much appreciated!

Martin Dufort

What about syntax coloring for Ruby files. I can't get XCode (V1.1) to color code my Ruby files. Anything special I need to do ?

Chad Fowler

Syntax coloring worked out of the box for me with my Panther installation. Not working for you?

Martin Dufort

Dunno what I did but it is working correctly now. Thanks anyway

Urban Nilsson

Tips on using the Test::Unit with XCode would be nice too!

Robert Lyons

I read a post by David Hansson where he gave up using Xcode in favor of textmate. I am currently on the 30 day trial of textmate and it is cool so far, but can you tell me what other editors you have used, and what is making you stick with Xcode? Thanks for your help!

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