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Saturday, August 06, 2005


Brian Sletten

You're a madman, Rich! I'm looking forward to playing around with this stuff.

Ezra Zygmuntowicz

Hey Rich-
I must say that I saw your little presentation at foscon and I am very impressed. I love this stuff. I have written a ruby port of amfphp that I use to tie rails with flash front ends but the ActionStep is how it should really work. I am very much looking forward to playing with it as it develops. Great Idea! Thanks.

George Moschovitis

It would be interesting to integrate this library with Nitro as well. Is it something similar to OpenLaszlo?

Mubashir Cheema

Some of us missed the original demo. Anybody's got a video?

Olle Jonsson

This stuff is just to die for. Thanks, Rich. Looking forward to tinker with this as soon as I can.

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